Saturday, December 8, 2012

The New Republican Party

Is all the hype about restructuring the Republican Party just that, hype?  Does all the talk really mean anything or did we hear these same words after the defeat in '08?  I'm not sure anything will happen, four years will pass, the Republican base will shrink even further and they'll be scratching their heads with another defeat in 2016.

Here is an article on what the Republicans are thinking post-defeat.  Not sounding like too much change is going on!

"So here is the Republican Party reinventing itself. The GOP majority in the Ohio legislature rushes to defund Planned Parenthood in its post-election session. The orange-tinted speaker of the House proposes to undo Obamacare through “oversight” in the name of “solving our debt and restoring prosperity.” Never mind that health-care reform doesn’t raise the deficit but reduces it. Or that “a new low,” 33 percent of Americans, the anti-Obama bitter-enders, still favor repealing the law (PDF). And a rising star in the GOP future, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, offers a dim view out of the pre-Darwinian past that maybe the Earth was created in seven days—and that since “theologians” disagree, we should teach “multiple theories.”

"This doesn’t sound like rethinking, or thinking at all, but like the reflex and revanchism of a party that doesn’t comprehend or simply can’t respond to the dimensions of its 2012 defeat."

It will take a lot of "Danny-types" to turn this around.

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